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Do I need to refrigerate my eggs?As long as the eggs are not washed, they do not need to be refrigerated. Eggs are naturally laid with a protective coating called the cuticle that keeps them fresh for weeks, even without refrigeration. If you take them home and wash them, then you should put them in the refrigerator.
Why don't my eggs look the same?Different breeds of hen lay different color eggs! We also do not grade our eggs, so you might notice slight variations in size. Rest assured, they all taste delicious!
Why are my eggs dirty?They are not washed! Eggs are naturally laid with a protective coating called the cuticle, which protects them and keeps them fresh for weeks, even without refrigeration. You should wash them before cooking them, however!
Where are my eggs coming from?Your eggs were laid right in the back yard of St. Eds. The chicken coop was completed last year, and has been producing farm fresh eggs since then!
How many hens do you have?Currently, we have nine hens: 3 Barred Plymouth Rock, 2 Buff Orpington, 1 Leghorn, 1 Wellsummer, 1 Rhode Island Red, and one unknown variety that is a rescue. As of March 6, we also have 8 chicks: an Easter Egger, 4 Blue Orpingtons, 2 Barnevelders and one Blue Copper Marans. They should be ready to start laying toward the end of summer.
How do I pay?Faculty and staff: You'll pay when you receive your eggs on delivery day. Both cash and card are supported forms of payment. St. Ed's families: You'll pay when you go pick up your eggs at the reception desk in the Palisin Commons. Please have cash on hand to leave in the envelope at the Egg Drop location, by Ms. Pieffer's desk.
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