Delivery Policy - Faculty & Staff
We deliver the eggs directly to your classroom on Friday during Community Period. If you are unavailable then, let us know where and when to find you! We understand that there are meetings and other activities that occur during this time, so we are very flexible.
Delivery Policy - St. Ed's Families
Students can stop by Mrs. Hardin's room (216) after the school on Fridays to pick up their eggs. Her room is located on the 2nd floor of the building, west, near the innovation center. If there is no school on Friday, the Egg Drop will happen on the last day of the week.
Parents can stop by Mrs. Pieffer's desk in the Palisin Commons to pick up their eggs after noon on Fridays. Please ring the doorbell and let her know that you are stopping by to pick up your eggs.
If there is no school on Friday, the Egg Drop will happen on the last day of the week.